Cheat Stage Hack
Tutuorial :
1.pergi ke trial tower
2. masuk lantai 2, buka LE -->first scan 1
3. tunggu sampai scan selesai
4. masuk lantai 3 -->next scan 2
5. tunggu sampai selesai
6. masuk lantai 4 (Boss) --> next scan 3
7. Bakal muncul beberapa adress klik 2x yang berwarna hijau(seharusnya ada 2 yang hijau jika melakukan dengan benar)
8. 2 adress itulah Stage Hack, Frezze 2 adress tersebut
9. Ganti value sesuai map yang kamu pilih.
Untuk value nya, setiap map berbeda
Ini Valuenya ==>
Hell's Furnace = 9
Sanctum of Destruction= tidak bisa( ga bisa naik ke boss)
Outer Wall of Serdin= 4
Kerrie Beach = 5
Orc Temple = 5
Gordos' Dungeon = 7
Elven Forest = 7
Gorge of Oath = 8
Marsh of Oblivion = 8
Forsaken Barrows = 8
Forgotten City = 8
Gaikoz's Castle = 9
Silver Land
Grove of the Ancients = 5
Ruins of the Silver Knights= 5
Cursed Lake = 5
Marsh of the Blue Dragon = 5
Primal Island = 5
Plains of the Red Wyrm = 5
Victor = 5
Partusay's Sea = 11
Kamiki Castle = 12
Temple of Fire = 11
Hell Bridge = 11
KazeAaze Castle(Lass Boss) = 14
KazeAaze Castle(Kaze Aaze Boss)= 1
Kastulle Ruins LF = 14
Kastulle Ruins UF = 6
Bermesiah's Last Stand = 15
Xenia Frontier(Renasien)= 9
Xenia Frontier(Octus) = 10
Temple of Origins = 5
Mana Valley = 5
Ignis Mountains = 5
Altar of Balance = 6
Shrine of Entropy = 5
Forest of Life = 6
Castle of Rule = 4
Goblin Labor Camp = 5
Underground Tunnel= 6
Dwarven Base = 6
Dwarven Supply Route = 5 Downlaod GC di thread sbelum2nya ok?
Cendol ya!!